August 20, 2010


A buddy and I are thinking about getting a new place.  Now, finding a new place to live has got to be one of my least favorite decisions ever.  Never was man presented with such a degree of pros and cons than in the choice of housing ... with one exception: women.  But we're not going to go there ... yet.
I'm a minimalist. I like to keep things small and simple. I'm highly organized. My buddy likes big and spacious. He's fairly well organized, too. He just like lots of air around him.
So, off we go last night driving around town looking for "For Rent" signs in and around the places we'd be interested in. But it's late in the house-hunting season here in this two-university town. Not much at reasonable prices still available. There was one great mother-in-law's apartment that I was interested in, but it was too small for Buddy.  I can't afford it by myself.
And as I'm writing this I just got a call from my friend, who is now bailing out. Decision AVERTED!  Now that I'll be homeless for the month of September, I'll just have to hit the road and visit family and friends in the general area of the Rocky Mountains. Just me and my backpack rolling down the road on the ol' moto!
Should be an adventure, to say the least! Don't worry, I'll still be available to negotiate trades ... just over a wider area!

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